Letter To Someone Who Will Stay Back

By Anastasia Sia • January 30, 2017


Dear  Love,

I am writing to you because someone left me. He left me without saying goodbye. He left me without kissing me with tears. He just left. I realized that I deserve better because you are here. You are my ideal. You are perfect for me. You are staying with me. Our relationship may not be perfect but it is fun, happy and complete. To love means to stay just as a married couple give their vows, however hard the times will be, we are staying together. I am a romantic at heart. Candlelight dinners, flowers and road trips make my days complete. Going to family gatherings with you gives me the courage to face my stuffy relatives. Church is part of our Sunday ritual. God is part of our relationship because He is the only one who will bond us forever more. Ama will be proud of me because I brought someone like you. Angkong will shake your hands and say we are a good match. Achie will smile because she approves of you. Ahya will say your my best match because we complement each other, I am Wonderwoman and you are Superman. Is that right? Hehe. Syobe will hug you because she finds you endearing. Syoti will play online games with you because you are great with computers. Mama and Papa will travel with us to different road trips because they are comfortable traveling with you. Your family will love me too because I will cook for them and also travel with them. Our love story is an epic love story because it is a story of getting beyond the storm and enjoying the ride of life. Food trips and spa trips will be part of our agenda. Love means commitment and it means that even if we feel like we are falling apart we will make it work. Because love is a decision it is not just about feelings. It is based on the truth, it is based on integrity. Love, they say, moves mountains, because love is not all about happiness but also of sadness. Love means staying. I am staying with you because I love you. I choose you.